Workout that you swear by & do the most ? I usually workout 4-5 days a week, and I tend to workout 1 muscle each workout. Early riser or a night owl ? I used to be a night owl to be honest, and since COVID-19 made its debut to the world, I’ve been sleeping early just to wake up earlier to go out in the morning and finish what I wanted to do before the curfew. (Kuwait has been imposing the curfew since last March, we’re over a year now with the curfew, the timing changes). What does fitness mean to you? Simply a lifestyle.

Abdulrahman AlBader | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

One fitness rule you swear by ? Divide up your meals, even if you’re planning to eat deserts and sweet, just divide your food for the whole day, it’s always better. One fitness myth you wish to bust ? Eating before bed. I have been eating before bed since I was a child, it’s sort of a bad habit that I have and I don’t wanna let go, but I still don’t believe that it’s that harmful for the body, that’s if you’re not eating a heavy meal and right before sleep. Your favorite workout? Shoulders workout. What do you eat in a day for breakfast – midday snacks – lunch – evening snacks – dinner ? Lunch I sometimes tend to have chicken breast, and rice. For the snacks I usually have nuts, I’m nuts about them, i love it. The junk food always be at the end of the day. (After my dinner).

Abdulrahman AlBader | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Your favorite cuisine ? Japanese, hands down. Preparation for a special event or photo shoot ? I usually prepare a week before doing the photoshoot, preparing for it gives me a boost of confidence actually. How often do you have a cheat day? I never made a certain day for a cheat day, I usually chest 1-2 times a week at max. Your favorite cheat meal ? Burgers.

Abdulrahman AlBader | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

The most bizarre diet ? Keto. How many hours do you sleep daily? Usually 7-8 hours a day. Do you have fruits every day? What are your favorite fruits? I honestly don’t eat fruits much, but I do have a banana everyday, either before or after a workout. But my favorite fruits has always been Strawberries. Which is your favorite vegetable? Black olives.

Abdulrahman AlBader | What I eat in a day | Food & Fitness Secret

Do you prefer your vegetable cooked or you prefer them in the salad form? I love both. Are you a tea or a coffee person? Coffee, always has been. What about desserts? What sort of desserts do you like? I honestly don’t like deserts as much as I like salty food. But when it comes to desserts, I’m in love with ice cream. I love it so much.

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